BMGT 495 – Project 3: Internal Environment Analysis (Week 6)

BMGT 495 – Project 3: Internal Environment Analysis (Week 6) Companies Name: Acacia Communication Inc. NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work (and only yours). You may not use any wor

Project 3:  Internal Environmental Analysis

(Your Name)

BMGT 495 (section number)

(Instructor’s Name)

(Please do not use pictures or images on the Title Page – remove from your final copy)


(The Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main points covered in the paper.  This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.  Write the introduction last to ensure all of the main points are covered.)

Strategic Role of Corporate Strengths/Weaknesses in the Internal Strategy Analysis

  1. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s corporate-level strategies.)
  1. Create a partial SWOT table and performs a SW analysis and discuss the strategic inferences/implications (Discuss what strategies would allow the company to capitalize on its major strengths and what strategies would allow the company to improve upon its major.) weaknesses.)
  1. Create an IFE matrix analysis.  Make sure to explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications.)
  1. Develop a Grand Strategy Matrix.  Make sure to explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications at a corporate level and business-unit-level.)

Strategic Role of Internal Resources/Departments/Processes

  1. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s business-level strategies)
  1. Evaluate the company’s product line and target market.)
  1. Identify and explain business-level strategies.)

(2. Perform an analysis on the focal company’s functional-level strategies)

    1. Assess the organizational structure, the organizational culture, marketing production, operations, finance and accounting, and R&D that can be accomplished by viewing the company’s website, interviews, and surveys.)
    1. Explain how these strategies align with the company’s vision and mission statements.)

Strategic Financial Analysis for the Last Reported Fiscal Year 

(1, Use the company’s income statement and balance sheet to calculate no less than a total of ten (10) key financial ratios to the business that are relevant to the focal company.  There must be a mix of four different key categories inclusive of the leverage, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratios so that the ratios do not all come from the same category. The specific ratios selection must come from the following categories.)

  1. Leverage Ratios (Long term debt ratio, Total debt ratio, Debt-to-equity ratio, Times interest earned ratio, and Cash coverage ratio).
  2. Liquidity Ratios (Net working capital to total assets ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio)
  3. Efficiency Ratios (Asset turnover ratio, Average collection period, Inventory turnover ratio, and Days sales outstanding)
  4. Profitability Ratios (Net profit margin, Return on assets, and Return on equity)

(The selection of the ratios has to be relevant to the focal company so it is important to choose wisely.)

(2. Quote industry financial average ratios that correlate to the 10 financial ratios selected for the focal company.)

(3. Discuss the corporate financial standing based on a financial ratio analysis.  Include whether the company’s financial ratio is a strength, a weakness or a neutral factor.

Note:  Use the library to find the industry averages. A librarian can assist if you have difficulty finding. If copied directly from the Internet, a zero will be assigned. When placing any table or figure in a table, it must be explained in detail.

Composite Analysis

A composite analysis is one in which you will bring in a combination of relevant factors from the various analyses (EFE Matrix, IFE matrix, CPM matrix, SWOT, BCG Matrix, Grand Strategy Matrix and QSPM).  The QSPM is a tool that helps determine the relative attractiveness of feasible alternative strategies based on the external and internal key success factors.

(1. Develop a Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis.   Make sure to discuss how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications.)

  1. Develop a composite analysis on internal factor strategy analysis based on the qualitative and quantitative analytical outcomes from those steps above.


(Create a concluding paragraph.  The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the project’s requirements.  You will draw conclusions about the findings of the external environment analysis.)


(The reference page is on a separate page from the report. The reference page is completed according to APA with each reference left-justified with hanging indentation for subsequent lines. References are completed in alphabetical order. Please see the module, Learn to Use APA to ensure references are in APA format.)