Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.

Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information:

(a) what population is affected,

(b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and

(c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.

Create a problem statement.

Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy.

Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrators) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.

Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system. Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.

Week 5 Assignment: Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper

Week 5 Assignment: Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper

The RN to BSN program at Grand Canyon University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities.

Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:

  1. Summary of teaching plan

  2. Epidemiological rationale for topic

  3. Evaluation of teaching experience

  4. Community response to teaching

  5. Areas of strengths and areas of improvement

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

NRS 428VN Topic 4 Assignment | Benchmark Policy Brief | v4 Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.

⚡ Version 1 – Topic: Lead Contamination ⚡

The benchmark assesses the following competencies: 1.4 Participate in health care policy development to influence nursing practice and health care.
Research public health issues on the “Climate Change” or “Topics and Issues” pages of the American Public Health Association (APHA) website. Investigate a public health issue related to an environmental issue within the U.S. health care delivery system and examine its effect on a specific population.
Write a 750-1,000-word policy brief that summarizes the issue, explains the effect on the population, and proposes a solution to the issue.
Follow this outline when writing the policy brief:
  1. Describe the policy health issue. Include the following information: (a) what population is affected, (b) at what level does it occur (local, state, or national), and (c) evidence about the issues supported by resources.
  2. Create a problem statement.
  3. Provide suggestions for addressing the health issue caused by the current policy. Describe what steps are required to initiate policy change. Include necessary stakeholders (government officials, administrator) and budget or funding considerations, if applicable.
  4. Discuss the impact on the health care delivery system.
Include three peer-reviewed sources and two other sources to support the policy brief.


NR 451 Week 6 Assignment: EBP Change Process form

Week 6 Assignment: EBP Change Process form ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation Follow Nurse Daniel as your process mentor in the weekly Illustration section of the lesson. Name: __________Lishan Brown___________ Star Point 1: Discovery (Identify topic and practice issue) Identify the topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic. (This MUST involve a nursing practice issue.) The topic is hospital acquired infections. The nursing practice issue is catheter associated urinary tract infections and the high incidence on an acute rehabilitation unit. Briefly describe your rationale for your topic selection. Include the scope of the issue/problem. The nursing practice issue I would like to investigate is healthcare associated infections (HAI), particularly catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). CAUTI is very important to investigate because I believe HAI’s can be decreased, if not prevented. Being that nurses are educated on the possible causes or symptoms of HAI’s, we can be more proactive in our treatment plans. If a patient falls, that can be an unpredictable event but HAI’s are more so predictable. With CAUTI, making sure that the perineal area is cleaned on a regular, consistent basis is important. Providing proper interventions to not keep an indwelling catheter in longer than necessary is also important. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common hospital acquired infections. At least 80% of urinary tract infections an be attributed to an indwelling urinary catheter. There are approximately 13,000 annual deaths associated with catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI). CAUTIs can lengthen hospital stays, increase morbidity and mortality, and raise healthcare costs. Star Point 2: Summary (Evidence to support need for a change) Describe the practice problem in your own words and formulate your PICOT question. The practice problem is members of the healthcare team are not properly cleaning the perineal area of patients who have indwelling catheters and indwelling catheters are placed for unnecessary longer periods of time. PICOT question- In (P) patients with an indwelling catheter on an acute rehabilitation unit, does (I) cleansing the perineal area every eight-hour period compared to (C) routine daily cleansing of the perineal area (O) decrease the catheter associated urinary tract infection with patients over a (T) six month period? List the systematic review chosen from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews from the Chamberlain library. Type the complete APA reference for the systematic review selected. Interventions to improve professional adherence to guidelines for prevention of device‐related infections. Reference Flodgren G, Conterno LO, Mayhew A, Omar O, Pereira CR, Shepperd S. Interventions to improve professional adherence to guidelines for prevention of device‐related infections. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD. DOI: 10.1002/.CD2. List and briefly describe other sources used for data and information. List any other optional scholarly source used as a supplement to the systematic review in APA format. In my search for evidence, I found an article about nurse-driven CAUTI prevention. This evidence is relevant to my PICOT because I would like to find a way to decrease or eliminate the instances of CAUTI in a hospital setting. The article gives a history of prevalence of CAUTI then goes into costs related to CAUTI. The article also mentions ways of preventing CAUTI. The article also discusses an algorithm used to decrease the prevalence of CAUTI. I also found an article about the causes of CAUTI and how to properly clean the perineal area as an educational tool. Reference Russell, J. A., Leming-Lee, T. ‘Susie,’ & Watters, R. (2019). Implementation of a Nurse-Driven CAUTI Prevention Algorithm. Nursing Clinics of North America, 54(1), 81–96. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (2018). Caring for Your Urinary (Foley®) Catheter. Retrieved from

Reiterate briefly that specific strategy and identify what type of organizational design (that is, the organizational structure) would best support that strategy.

Write at least 250 words for initial response

Use the appropriate APA formatted scholarly reference sources and corresponding in-text citations in all your postings.

Learning Activity 1

The best strategies often failed not because they weren’t good strategies, but because they weren’t implemented properly. One of the most important aspects of implementing a good strategy is ensuring that the organization or company is designed in such a way that will properly support the strategic plan.


In Week 4, you identified a generic strategic direction for NAYYER INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD.


In Week 5, you narrowed down that strategic direction and identified possible alternative strategies. From that pool of alternative strategies, you further narrowed down to ONE specific strategy to implement.


In this learning activity, you are required to:


Requirement 1:


  • Reiterate briefly that specific strategy and identify what type of organizational design (that is, the organizational structure) would best support that strategy.

Requirement 2:

  • Provide a high-level overview of the organizational design and recommend an appropriate organizational structure.

Requirement 3:

Explain in detail the organizational design or structure is expected to work in the focal organization or company.

Requirement 4:

  • Support the rationale of your explanation why that organizational design and recommended organizational structure would be fully aligned with (1) the identified strategic direction and (2) the specific strategy to be implemented.

Requirement 5:

  • Use the appropriate APA formatted scholarly reference source and corresponding in-text citations in all your postings.

PSY 3100 week 4 discussion Initial Response Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400- to 500-word summary that supports your position on the topic.

Initial Response Find a peer-reviewed journal article that relates to one of the topics below. Thoroughly read the article and provide a 400- to 500-word summary that supports your position on the topic. There is no right or wrong answer. Points will be earned for proper grammar, spelling, organization, length, citations, content of the knowledge, reasoning, and APA citation and referencing. The use of quotations is not allowed. Please upload a copy of your article with your post.

Response to Peers After you have made your initial post, please respond to one of your classmates who selected the alternate topic. Your response should either add to their summary or respectfully challenge their position based on information that you have found in a peer-reviewed journal article.

The use of quotations is not allowed. Please upload a copy of your article with your reply post.

· Topic 1 – the usefulness of the polygraph-based evaluation

· Topic 2 – controversial interrogation techniques and the potential for false confessions: is this a practice that should be continued?

Please check the references to ensure they are properly cited because I have been docked points due to improperly cited references. Also, please include DOI as well.

BMGT 495 Strategy Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation Project 4

Company Exxon Mobile project 4

Outcomes Met With This Project:

  • Examine the impact of ethical decision making, social responsibility, stakeholder analysis, and corporate governance on organizations and society;
  • Utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically;
  • Integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including, accounting, finance, market, business, and human resource management;
  • Analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies to revise a current plan or write a new plan and present a strategic plan;
  • Evaluate the outcomes of identified strategies to determine their success and impact on short-term and long-term objectives.
  • Generates at least five alternative strategies that appropriately fits the information already presented from the research and course material to support by the course material.


Step 1 Course Material and Research

You must research information about the specific company and the environment for this project. You are accountable for using the course materials to support the ideas, reasoning, and conclusions made. Course material’s use goes beyond defining terms and explains the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials and then relying on Internet source material will not earn many points on the assignment. A variety of source material is expected, and what is presented must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally, showing an understanding of the logical connections between the ideas presented from the research, the course material, and the question(s) being asked.

Note: Your report is based on the research results performed and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use of any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites, or any pre-prepared document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.

Success: The analysis is based on research and not opinion. You are not making recommendations, and you will not attempt to position the specific company in a better or worse light than other companies within the industry merely because you are completing an analysis on this particular company. The analysis must be based on factual information. Any conclusions drawn have to be based on factual information rather than leaps of faith. To ensure success, as stated above, you are expected to use the course materials and research on the specific company’s global industry and the specific company. The opinion does not earn credit, nor does it use external sources when course materials can be used. It is necessary to provide explanations (the why and how) rather than making statements. Avoid stringing one citation after another, as doing so does not show detailed explanations.

Step 2 Research

In completing the report, you will use the chapters in the eBook as a guide and perform research on the same company as in Projects 1 and 2. Answer the required elements below in narrative form following the steps.

Note: Your report is based on the research results performed and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use of any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites, or any document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.

Library Resources (Company Required)

All the information needed for your assigned company must be obtained from one of the library’s suggested online company research databases. To use these resources, go to the main navigation bar in the classroom, select Academic Support, and then select Libary. Next, select Databases by Title (A-Z). Since your primary online company research database is Statista, select S from the alphabet list, and scroll down to select Statista Online.

Dun and Bradstreet’s Hoovers Database, among others listed using the link directory below, is another excellent source of company research, competitor and industry information.

You can find relavant and significant additional information required for company project research by using

Additional Library Resources

Research for Company Financial Ratios: Financial Research.

Research for Industry Financial Ratios: CSI Market.

Use “OneSearch” to find scholarly articles by clicking Library under Academic Support on the classroom main menu bar and checkmark “Scholarly Journals Only” prior to starting a search.

Library Support Personal Assistance

Extensive library resources and services are available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at to support you in your studies. In addition, the UMGC Library provides research assistance in creating search strategies, selecting relevant databases, and evaluating and citing resources in various formats via its “Ask a Librarian” service at

Step 3 Specific Company for All Four Projects

For this project, your instructor has specifically assigned each student to write an independent report on one specific company. The assigned company must be used for all four projects in this course. You cannot write reports on any other company different from the company specifically assigned by your instructor. Students who fail to use the specifically assigned companies from the list or use an unapproved company will receive a zero for the project.

The company that your instructor has assigned to you will be used for this project.

Step 4 Preparation for the Project

Before you begin writing the report, you will read the following requirements that will help you meet the writing and APA requirements.

  • You will be analyzing the selected company. When doing analysis, you are not merely making statements that may be cited. Instead, you will be supporting the statements made. “Support” is the process of explaining, discussing, and analyzing “why” and “how,” which is a higher-level critical analytical skill that is required for this class. Support is needed to do well on this project.
  • Read the grading rubric for the project. Then, use the grading rubric while writing the report to ensure all requirements are met, leading to the highest possible grade.

Step 5 How to Set Up the Project

  • The document has to be written in Word or RTF. No other format is acceptable. No pdf files will be graded. Use 12-point font for a double-spaced report. The final product is expected 10-12 pages. The final project may not be more than 12 pages, excluding the title page and reference page. Those items identified in the implementation and action plans should appear under the appropriate heading in the paper. Do no use an Appendix.
  • Create a title page with the title, your name, date, the course number, the instructor’s name.
  • Create Topic Headings that correspond to exact sections of the project requirements.

Use the following template using the headings to separate elements. Do not use bullets in your paper as the required format is in narrative format with indented paragraphs and no extra space between paragraphs.


(The Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will describe to the reader the intent of the paper, explaining the main points covered in the paper. This intent should be understood before reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper. Therefore, write the introduction last to ensure all of the main points are covered.)

Alternative Strategy Generation

To generate a pool of strategies, you will look at the organization’s business-level strategy, corporate-level strategy, and global strategy. Then, using the information and data collected from your research and the analytical outcomes from (a) external factor analysis in your Project 1 and (b) internal factor analysis in Project 2, you will generate a pool of strategies.

  • Generate a minimum of three possible alternative strategies for the company.
  • Identify and discuss cultural and organizational factors that should be considered in analyzing and choosing among the alternative strategies.

Strategy Prioritization

  • Prioritize strategies and explain using the course material to support the reasoning – Use the tools learned in the course.

Strategy Selection

Your strategy selection will be based on the use of the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The QSPM produces a composite analysis. A composite analysis is one in which you will bring in a combination of relevant factors from the various analyses (EFE Matrix, IFE matrix, CPM matrix, SWOT, Grand Strategy Matrix, and QSPM). The QSPM is a tool that helps determine the relative attractiveness of feasible alternative strategies based on the external and internal key success factors.

  • Develop a Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis.
  • Discuss the value of a QSPM analysis for strategy selection. Be specific.

Strategy Implementation

  • Recommend procedures for strategy implementation.
  • Discuss who, what and how to implement the selected strategy or strategies at the corporate level, business-unit level, and functional level.

Strategy Evaluation

Use frameworks and tools discussed throughout the course. Support the reasoning and conclusions made.

  • Discuss procedures for strategy review and evaluation
  • Discuss the appropriate evaluative measures (including who, what, when, and how at the corporate level, business-unit level, and functional level)
  • Discuss a corrective action plan (including who, what, when, and how) at the corporate, business unit, and functional levels.


  • Create a conclusion. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. Finally, you will conclude the findings of the external environment analysis.


10 Strategic Management: Strategy Evaluation and Control – YouTube


Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation. Since the eBook does not have page numbers, you must include the chapter title, section heading, and paragraph number.

Nearly every Java application involves multiple classes. As you have learned, designing a


Nearly every Java application involves multiple classes. As you have learned, designing a program around classes and objects is a key feature of object-oriented programming and provides many benefits, such as more readable and maintainable code. However, it is not enough to just have multiple classes. You also need to make sure that these classes can work together within a program. This involves making sure that any relationships, such as inheritance, are properly implemented in the code. It also involves having a main() method, usually located in a special class called the “Driver” class, that runs the program.

In this assignment, you will gain experience putting together a multiple-class program by creating a class that inherits from another (existing) class, and modifying or implementing methods in the Driver class. This milestone will also give you the opportunity to begin coding a part of the solution for Project Two. This will allow you to get feedback on your work before you complete the full project in Module Seven.


  1. To gain a clear understanding of the client’s requirements, review the Grazioso Salvare Specification Document. As you read, pay close attention to the attributes and methods that you will need to implement into the program.
  1. Open the Virtual Lab by clicking on the link in the Virtual Lab Access module. Then open the Eclipse IDE. Follow the Uploading Files to Eclipse Tutorial to upload the folder into Eclipse. The folder contains three starter code files:,, and Once you have uploaded the files, compile the code. Although the program is not complete, it should compile without error.
  1. Read through the code for each class that you have been given. This will help you understand what code has been created and what code must be modified or created to meet the requirements.
  1. You have been asked to demonstrate industry standard best practices in all the code that you create to ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all software developers working on the program. In your code for each class, be sure to include the following:
    • In-line comments that denote your changes and briefly describe the functionality of each method or element of the class
    • Appropriate variable and method naming conventions
  1. In a new Java file, create the Monkey class, using the specification document as a guide. The Monkey class must do the following:
    • Inherit from the RescueAnimal class.
    • Implement all attributes to meet the specifications.
    • Include a constructor. You may use a default constructor. To score “exemplary” on this criterion, you must include the more detailed constructor that takes all values for the attributes and sets them. Refer to the constructor in the Dog class for an example.
    • Include accessors and mutators for all implemented attributes.
  1. In the class, modify the main method. In main(), you must create a menu loop that does the following:
    • Displays the menu by calling the displayMenu method. This method is in the class.
    • Prompts the user for input
    • Takes the appropriate action based on the value that the user entered
  2. IMPORTANT: You do not need to complete all of the methods included in the menu for this milestone. Simple placeholder print statements for these methods have been included in the starter code so that you can test your menu functionality.
  1. Next, you will need to create a monkey ArrayList in the class. Refer to the dog ArrayList, which is included right before main(), as an example. Creating this ArrayList is necessary for the intakeNewMonkey() method, which you will implement in the next step. Though it is not required, it may be helpful to pre-populate your ArrayList with a few test monkey objects in the initializeMonkeyList() method.
  1. Finally, you will implement the intakeNewMonkey() method in the class. Your completed method should do the following:
    • Prompt the user for input.
    • Set data for all attributes based on user input.
    • Add the newly instantiated monkey to an ArrayList.
  2. Tips: Remember to refer to the accessors and mutators in your Monkey and RescueAnimal classes as you create this method. Additionally, you should use the nextLine method of the scanner to receive the user’s input. Refer back to Section 1.15 in zyBooks for a refresher on how to use this method.

Guidelines for Submission

Use the Downloading Files from Eclipse Tutorial to help you download your completed class files. Be sure to submit your milestone even if you were not able to complete every part, or if your program has compiling errors. Your submission for this milestone should be the folder containing all four of the following files:

  • Class File: You were not required to make changes to this file, but you must include it as part of your submission.
  • Class File: You were not required to make changes to this file, but you must include it as part of your submission.
  • Class File. You created this class from scratch, implementing attributes, a constructor, accessors, and mutators. You should have included in-line comments and clear variable naming conventions.
  • Class File. You were given some starter code within this file, and were asked to modify or implement a menu loop and methods to intake dogs, intake monkeys, reserve animals, and print animals. You should have included in-line comments to describe your changes.

BMGT 495 – Project 3:  Internal Environmental Analysis 

BMGT 495 – Project 3:  Internal Environmental Analysis



This project is the third of four projects. Students will perform an internal environmental analysis using the tools and concepts learned in the course to date. You will also draw from previous business courses to understand how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard, and sustain their position in a competitive market.

Students also can review an organization’s objectives and goals and the key functional areas within the organization. Performing an internal environment analysis helps assess a firm’s internal resources and capabilities. It plays a critical role in formulating strategy by identifying a firm’s strengths to capitalize on to effectively overcome weaknesses.

Outcomes Met With This Project

  • Utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically;
  • Integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including, accounting, finance, market, business, and human resource management;
  • Analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies to revise a current plan or write a new plan and present a strategic plan.


Step 1 Specific Company for All Four Projects

The company that your instructor has assigned to you for Project 1 is the company you will use for this project. The assigned company must be used for this project and in subsequent projects in the course. Students must complete the project using the assigned company. Deviating from the assigned company will result in a zero for the project.

After reading the course material, you will complete the steps below.

Step 2  Course Materials and Research

  • You must research information about the focal company and the internal environment for this project. You are accountable for using the course materials to support the ideas, reasoning, and conclusions made. Course material’s use goes beyond defining terms and explains the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials and then relying on Internet source material will not earn many points on the assignment. A variety of source material is expected, and what is presented must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed.   Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally, showing an understanding of the logical connections between the ideas presented from the research, the course material, and the question(s) being asked.

Note: Your report is based on the research results and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use of any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites, or any pre-prepared document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.

Success: The analysis is based on research and not opinion. You are not making recommendations, and you will not attempt to position the focal company in a better or worse light than other companies within the industry merely because you are completing an analysis on this particular company. The analysis must be based on factual information. Any conclusions drawn have to be based on factual information rather than leaps of faith. As stated above, you are expected to use the course materials and research on the focal company’s global industry and the focal company to ensure success. The opinion does not earn credit, nor does the use of external sources when course materials can be used. It is necessary to provide explanations (the why and how) rather than making statements. Avoid stringing one citation after another, as doing so does not show detailed explanations.

Library Resources

On the main navigation bar in the classroom, select Resources and then select Library. Select Databases by Title (A – Z). Select M from the alphabet list, and then select Mergent Online. Dun and Bradstreet’s Hoovers Database, among others, is another excellent source for competitors and industry information. You are not to depend on one resource to complete the analysis. Moreover, it is impossible to complete Porter’s Five Forces, a competitive analysis, or an OT by using only the course material.

You should not be using obscure articles, GlassDoor, or Chron, or similar articles.

Research for Financial Analysis:  Financial Research

Research for Industry Analysis CSI Market

The UMGC library is available for providing resources and services. Seek library support for excellence in your academic pursuit.

Library Support

Extensive library resources and services are available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at to support you in your studies. In addition, the UMGC Library provides research assistance in creating search strategies, selecting relevant databases, and evaluating and citing resources in various formats via its “Ask a Librarian” service

Scholarly Research in OneSearch is allowed.

To search for only scholarly resources, you are expected to place a checkmark in the space for “Scholarly journals only” before clicking search.

You should not be using obscure articles, GlassDoor, or Chron, or similar articles.

Research for Financial Analysis:  Financial Research

Research for Industry Analysis CSI Market

Step 3  How to Set Up the Report

The document has to be written in Word or RTF. No other format is acceptable. No pdf files will be graded. Use 12-point font for a double-spaced report. The final product is expected to be 10 – 12 pages. The final project may not be more than 12 pages in length, including all tables and matrices, but excluding the title page and reference page. Do no use an Appendix.

  • Those items identified in the technical analysis should appear under the appropriate heading in the paper. It is important to format the tables/matrices to fit the report and present the analysis clearly and concisely.
  • Create a title page with the title, your name, date, the course number, the instructor’s name.
  • Create Topic Headings that correspond to exact sections of the project requirements. 

Step 4 Strategic Role of Corporate Strengths/Weaknesses in the Internal Strategy Analysis

There are three levels of strategy: corporate-level strategy, business-level strategy, and functional-level strategy. Corporate-level strategies are related to businesses or markets the focal company successfully can compete within. Corporate-level strategies affect the entire organization and are formulated by top management using middle and lower management input. Decision-making about corporate-level strategies is considered complex, affects the entire company, and relates to an organization’s resource capabilities. Corporate level strategies align with an organization’s mission statement and ideally are designed around goals and objectives.

Perform an analysis on:

  • Corporate-level strategies.
  • Create a partial SWOT table, perform an SW analysis, and discuss the strategic inferences/implications. Discuss what strategies would allow the company to capitalize on its major strengths and what strategies would allow the company to improve upon its major weaknesses.
  • Create an IFE matrix and analysis. Make sure to explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences and implications.
  • Develop a Grand Strategy Matrix. Explain how the matrix was developed and discuss the strategic inferences/implications at a corporate level and business-unit level.

Step 5  Strategic Role of Internal Resources/Departments/Processes

Perform an analysis on:

  • Business-level strategies
    • Evaluate the company’s product line, target market.
    • Identify and explain business-level strategies.
  • Functional-level strategies
    • Assess the company’s organizational structure, the organizational culture, marketing production, operations, finance and accounting, and R&D that can be accomplished by viewing the company’s website, interviews, and surveys.
    • Explain how these strategies align with the company’s vision and mission statements.

Step 6  Strategic Financial Analysis for the Last Reported Fiscal Year 

  • Use the company’s income statement and balance sheet to calculate four (4) key financial ratios. One key ratio must come from each of the four key categories: leverage, liquidity, profitability, and efficiency. The four (4) specific ratios selection must come from the following categories.
    • Leverage Ratios (Long term debt ratio, Total debt ratio, Debt-to-equity ratio, Times interest earned ratio, and Cash coverage ratio)
    • Liquidity Ratios (Net working capital to total assets ratio, current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio)
    • Efficiency Ratios (Asset turnover ratio, average collection period, inventory turnover ratio, and Days sales outstanding)
    • Profitability Ratios (Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, and Return on Equity)
  • The selection of the ratios has to be relevant to the focal company, so it is important to choose wisely.
  • Quote industry financial average ratios correlate to the four (4) financial ratios selected for the focal company. Explain the importance of the four (4) averages to compare why averages are important to use. You may find the industry averages by going to the library. If you cannot find it on your own, reach out to the librarian as these resources are readily available.

Note:  If copied directly from the Internet, a zero will be assigned. When placing any table or figure in a table, it must be explained in detail.

  • Conclusion. The one-paragraph conclusion is intended to highlight the key 3-4 key findings,  consequences, and recommendations resulting from your analysis.


Step 7  Review the Paper

Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.